Thursday, February 10, 2011

Borrowing your neighbor’s wireless? You’re not the only one.

A recent study by the Wi-Fi alliance, a non-profit organization, has shown that Americans are reluctantly sharing their wireless signal with their members. The poll shows an increase of up to 32 percent of wireless users were tapping into the free internet provided by their lovely neighbor, which was around 18 percent in 2009.

The study also shows that people are more likely to trust someone with their house key before giving another person, even a neighbor, their wireless network key. It’s a weird shift in the general public who may have a distorted idea on how or why it is important to keep your wireless network private.

Kelly Davis-Felner, marketing director for the Wi-Fi Alliance, says “Most consumers know that leaving their Wi-Fi network open is not a good thing, but the reality is that many have not taken the steps to protect themselves. Consumers can usually activate Wi-Fi security protections in a few simple steps, but much like the seatbelts in your car – it won’t protect you unless you use it.”


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